
FITV available on-line

In February 2018 FITV unvailed a shiny new look website, that is aimed at providing a better way to distribute visual media about the Falkland Islands to a global audience, both at home and around the world. The streaming service allows viewers to watch video content from computers or mobile devices as well as being able to subscribe to see the weekly flagship show, Falklands In Focus.

Go to

Click on the “OUR CHANNEL” icon and follow the instructions on how to subscribe.

Here you will see a list of videos, arranged in two playlists.

The Falklands In Focus playlistwill be the home to the latest edition, with past editions also available through the subscription service and that runs only a monthly or yearly recurring basis. You can also purchase a single ticket to view just the one show. For both subscription types or for single purchases, there are no limits on the number of times you can watch; the only restriction being that a single ticket is only valid for that one particular show, but you can watch it as many times as you wish.